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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 40 - Issue 45 - November 11, 2021

State of Kansas

Office of the Governor

Executive Directive No. 21-542
Authorizing Expenditure of Federal Funds

By virtue of the authority vested in the Governor as the head of the Executive Branch of the State of Kansas, the following transactions are hereby authorized:

Pursuant to the authority of the Secretary of the Kansas Department of Health and Environment to receive and expend federal funds, and pursuant to the authority granted the Governor by Section 197 of Chapter 98 of the 2021 Session Laws of Kansas, approval is hereby granted to the Kansas Department of Health and Environment for expenditure in FY 2022 of monies in the federal fund entitled “Partnership Programs to Reduce Maternal Deaths due to Violence Fund.”

Pursuant to the authority of the Commissioner of the Kansas Insurance Department to receive and expend federal funds, and pursuant to the authority granted the Governor by Section 197 of Chapter 98 of the 2021 Session Laws of Kansas, approval is hereby granted to the Kansas Insurance Department for expenditure in FY 2022 of monies in the federal fund entitled “State Flexibility to Stabilize the Market Grant Program.”

I have conferred with the Director of the Budget and members of my staff, and I have determined that the guidelines set forth in KSA 75-3711 and 75-3711c have been applied and that none of the foregoing actions exceeds the limitations contained therein.

Dated October 29, 2021.

Laura Kelly

Doc. No. 049552